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About Judy Foister




Dr. Judy Foister,

founder and director of the GULF COAST HYPNOSIS TRAINING
CENTER, has over 25 years experience in the field of hypnoisis.
Judy has a
Bachelor degree in Psychology from Tulane University,
a Masters Degree in
Psychology from Florida State University, and Received her
Doctorate degree
From Tulane University. She is a certified graduate of the
National Institute
Of Hypnoisis and a member of the Hypnosis International
Research Center. Judy
Is also a certified graduate of the Family Institute in New Orleans
and is an
Accepted and registered Hypnotherapist with the American Guild Hypnotherapist
Located in California.
Judy has worked with the F.B.I., Police Departments, and Sheriffs Departments,
And is the President Gulf Coast Hypnosis Association, the first
non-profit Hypnosis Club in Northwest Florida. She has also taken advanced courses in
Hypnotherapy, Psychology, Bio Feedback, Alternative Medicine,
Behavior Therapy and Motivation. She has received literally
thousands of referals from medical
Doctors since she opened the Gulf Coast Hypnosis Training Center
in 1975, and
Has attended dozens of specialized hypnosis seminars all over the country,
Such as Westernman’s Stop Smoking seminars located in
San Diego, California.
Judy is the author of the hypnosis-motivation book, It’s Not Magic ,
the cookbook
Magic Choices, and The Daily Lifestyle Journal Work Book. In
addition, Judy
Has made many professional tapes and programs, utilized in her programs, and
Distributed and marketing nationwide, and used today all across the country. All
Of Judy’s tapes, books, and programs, are available now and can be ordered
Through this website for your own personal use and shipped
directly to your Doorstep.
Besides her extremely successful Hypnotherapy practice, Judy is
also a very
Successful Entrepreneur and Local Business Woman, and has
applied her own techniques of positive thinking and self image to
enrich her own life, and to
Drastically change the lives of every person that she comes into
contact with
Through her practice, and through her books and tapes.
"The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. This will
be the
easiest and smoothest transition you will ever make to an important
goal. No
longer will anything, or anybody, control your life…… will!"


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Dr.Judy  Foister
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Gulf Coast Hypnosis
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